This is the developing section of the site, which includes many of our finest tools. All of these examples are avaliable free of charge, and require the program Game Maker, found at

TriforceEngine is a Legend of Zelda Engine, with enough features to rival the original! This huge, versitile, engine is full of features, and the basis engine for our popular game - The Legend of Zelda: The Sword of Sorrow.
DownloadMain Download
Lead Programming - Crispy

EasyGML is the new way for novices to learn GML. It's easy set of functions and variables makes it so easy to do tasks that novices might find hard! Frequently updated, and nearing completion, this is an essential tool for all budding game makers.
DownloadMain Download-Mirror1-GMC Topic
Lead Programming - Jemgames

You may have heard people mentioning UntrueEngine, but just thought 'What?' Not any more. UntrueEngine is a popular, dynamic TDS engine, with many features. Currently at it's 1.0 stage, this will be frequently updated with some exciting new additions.
Main Download-Mirror1
Lead Programming - Crispy

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